Online Giving
Returning your tithe and offerings online is easy with these few steps.
Step 1-Click here to donate to Calvary
Step 2 — Create an account
Click on the “First-time users” link.
Fill in your email address and create a password.
Make sure your password is secure.
You will receive an activation email; click on the link to enable your account.
Step 3 — Log in and select your offering amounts
Log in with your email address and password and select your offering amounts.
Fill in the “tithe envelope” with your tithe and offering amounts.
Click “add another offering” to find other offerings.
Select from local offerings at the top of the page or search for world offerings at the bottom of the page.
Click “Done: Choose Payment Method” after filling out your tithe envelope.
Step 4 — Give your payment information
Type in your name, address, phone number and the details of your payment method.
Review your offering and payment details, then click “Confirm Payment.”
Alternatively, you may return to the title envelope or payment details page to make corrections.
When the bank has confirmed your payment, a confirmation message will display.
If you want to print a copy of your confirmation, click “Print Confirmation as PDF.”
To view this offering again, log in and click “View Previous Offerings” from the tithe envelope.
Note: We believe that true offerings to God should come from what God has given us. Biblical principles of stewardship discourage borrowing. Accordingly, we do not support nor do we advise the giving of tithes, offerings, or any contribution using a credit card unless you have the funds already available to you.